Real Clear Computing

How To Install Dig Command on Windows 11

The dig command for Windows is part of the BIND tools package. The easiest way to install the BIND tools on Windows 11 is to use the Chocolatey package manager.

You can run the choco -v command to check if chocolatey is already installed on your computer. If not, click the link below for instructions on how to install it on Windows.

How to Install Chocolatey on Windows

To install dig on Windows, run the following command:

choco install -y bind-toolsonly

The bind-toolsonly package for Windows includes DNS utilities such as dig, nslookup, and nsupdate for Windows.

How To Install Dig Command on Windows 11

This method also works on Windows 10 and Windows Server.

Dig command examples

Using the dig command to perform a simple host lookup (A record):


Using the dig command to check the IPv6 address of a domain (AAAA record):

dig aaaa

Check MX records for a domain:

dig mx

The following command returns NS records for the domain:

dig ns

The following command returns the PTR record for the IP address:

dig -x

Dig (Domain Information Groper) is a useful DNS lookup utility for DNS troubleshooting. As a system administrator, you should be familiar with the dig command for troubleshooting and diagnosing DNS problems.

To learn how to use dig to check DNS records, click the following link: